A collection of short stories, essays, and other fan contributions. We're always interested in reviewing new submissions for inclusion on this site. If you have a creative work you'd like to submit, or want to resubmit your content from the old site prior to 2017, please contact us HERE.

Fragments of the Outpost
By Todd Cameron
The Conversation
By Morgan Booker
By Darren John Dutchak
(Artwork by Daniel Nicholls)
Blair's Calculation of Infection Probability
By Steve Crawford
Fuchs' Holocaust
By Cpl Ferro
The Witch's Kitchen
By Cpl Ferro
What Does the Thing Want
By Cpl Ferro
Palmer and the Snake
By Cpl Ferro
Blair's Communion
By Cpl Ferro
Tetning: Thule Stasjon
By Wyatt James Roetcisoender
Schrodinger's Childs vs. Schrodinger's MacReady: Quantum Superposition in The Thing
By Michael H. Hanson
The Lovecraftian Madness of Dr. Blair
By Michael H. Hanson
Tainted Blood
By Bradley Stephenson